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Keuka Lake Association


Use Local Firewood this Camping Season

last update: November 21, 2023

Many people like to take firewood from their homes before traveling to a campsite. Invasive pests like the emerald ash borer or Asian longhorned beetle often hitch a ride to new areas in untreated firewood. Transport of untreated firewood across the state has caused outbreaks of these damaging pests. Since 2009, New York State has regulated the movement of firewood to keep the spread of invasives down. Untreated firewood must have been grown in NY and cannot be moved more than 50 miles from where it was grown or its source. Producers of firewood for sale are allowed to declare their business as the source provided the wood was grown within 50 miles of their business and they must maintain documentation. Those moving untreated firewood for their own use must fill out a Self-Issued Certificate of Origin (PDF).

Treated firewood, which has been heated to a core temperature of 160° F for 75 minutes and labeled as “New York Approved Heat-treated Firewood/Pest Free,” can be moved without restrictions. DEC has an interactive map that shows if firewood’s source and its destination are within 50 miles. View the map.

Violation of firewood regulations can result in fines, penalties, and the potential destruction of beloved trees and habitats. The safest way to enjoy a campfire and protect New York forests is to buy and burn local firewood at your destination. Read more about New York’s firewood regulations on DEC’s website.

Keuka Lake - Tree


Founded in 1956, the Keuka Lake Association, with over 1700 members, provides a unified voice for those who love Keuka Lake. Our mission is to preserve and protect Keuka Lake and its natural beauty for future generations.

Keuka Lake Association is a 501(c) (3) organization (a non-profit tax exempt organization under IRS rules). This distinction is defined by our service to the public and how we are mission-driven as opposed to profit-driven.

Gifts, donations and membership dues paid to our organization are used in direct service to the overall mission to preserve and protect Keuka Lake. Membership dues, donations and gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Consult your professional tax preparer if you have specific tax related questions.