Membership Committee
Bob Karczewski, Chair
Steve Heller, Co-Chair
Doug DeFranco
Darryl Heckle
Kate Parsons
contact committeeHelp us accomplish our Mission - to preserve and protect Keuka Lake and its natural beauty for our future generations.
Your membership and financial support helps and enhances our preservation and protection efforts; strengthening the Keuka Lake community; maintaining our quality of life; allowing us to better support and represent the interests of Keuka Lake and its watershed; providing a comprehensive library of educational resources and programs; and encouraging volunteerism that keeps the needs of Keuka, and it's watershed at the forefront of decisions affecting the region. You don't have to live on Keuka Lake to be a member and care about the lake.
The Keuka Lake Association membership is open to everyone that enjoys the lake - residence living or who own property within the Keuka Lake watershed, surrounding towns and communities; those visiting or vacationing at the lake during the year; and those with homes and property on the lake.
Your membership investment will help us maintain the following ongoing programs:
- A state-of -the-art water quality testing program
- Continued support of the Keuka Watershed Improvement Cooperative (KWIC) for uniform wastewater management
- Level Management - KLA works closely with the Keuka Lake Outlet Compact (KLOC) to insure its compliance in keeping the lake level within it predetermined guidelines
- Navigational Safety - The KLA is dedicated to promoting safe boating practices by working closely with Yates and Steuben County Sheriffs' Departments, supporting their Marine Patrols, and helping to inform residents and visitors about NYS Navigation Laws and how they apply to Keuka Lake
- Communication and interaction with local governments and agencies
Membership in the Keuka Lake Association will entitle you to the following "Members Only" benefits:
- The Keuka Lake Directory - an alphabetical and numerical listing of every lake property and current owner on Keuka Lake ·
- Quarterly Newsletter, E-Newsletters, E-Announcements
- Membership decals
- Opportunities for volunteerism to help the KLA preserve and protect the lake
Business Membership Benefits:
The above benefits, plus:
- Listing as Business member in each quarterly KLA newsletter, which is mailed to all KLA members
- Your business listing and URL link on the KLA web site
- Opportunity to advertise in the newsletter - See advertising information in the newsletter
- Opportunity to advertise in other KLA publications and future publications of the Keuka Lake Directory
- Business member listing in future publications of the Keuka Lake Directory
- Opportunity to display KLA Business Member decals

Keuka Lake Association is a 501(c) (3) organization (a non-profit tax exempt organization under IRS rules). This distinction is defined by our service to the public and how we are mission-driven as opposed to profit-driven.
Gifts, donations and membership dues paid to our organization are used in direct service to the overall mission to preserve and protect Keuka Lake. Membership dues, donations and gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Consult your professional tax preparer if you have specific tax related questions.