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Keuka Lake Association


Waste Water Management
From its inception, the KLA recognized that protecting Keuka Lake would require reducing water pollution entering the lake from the surrounding watershed. The KLA led the way in founding the Keuka Watershed Improvement Cooperative in 1993. KWIC provides a uniform system of regulation and control for watershed management around Keuka Lake, with a primary focus on septic system management. The KLA continues to work closely with KWIC. KLA partnered with KWIC to obtain a $200,000 grant to fund a water sewer feasibility study for Keuka Lake. The completed study provides a guide for those who wish to pursue implementation of a sewer system in their town or municipality. Upon request, the KLA vigorously supports such initiatives through formal endorsements and assistance with grant applications.

Water Quality Monitoring
The KLA conducts an extensive water testing system to "Listen to the Lake". Throughout the year, a dedicated crew of volunteers continually monitors the health of the lake, donating their time and equipment to obtain monthly water samples. The KLA provides over $25,000 annually to support design, lab analysis and interpretation of test data for this important program.

Lake Level Management
Effective lake level management helps prevent property damage caused by high water. It also reduces problems for boaters and recreational users caused by low lake levels. The Keuka Lake Outlet Compact (KLOC), a committee of government representatives from the municipalities around the lake, is responsible for keeping the lake levels within predetermined limits. The KLA participates in establishing these lake level guidelines and works closely with KLOC to ensure its compliance. Lake level is managed, in part, with the six flood control gates located in the Keuka Outlet adjacent to the Main Street bridge in Penn Yan. The KLOC contracts with the Penn Yan Department of Public Works for the maintenance and management of these gates. Lake level is precisely measured with gauging equipment located at the Penn Yan Municipal Water Plant on lower West Lake Road. A recorded message indicating lake level and water temperature is updated daily.

Navigational Safety & Recreation
Keuka Lake is a magnet for marine recreation, from fishing and swimming, to boating of all kinds. To make sure that everyone can enjoy those activities, the KLA is dedicated to promoting safe boating practices on Keuka Lake. Working closely with the Yates and Steuben County Sheriffs' Departments, the KLA helps inform residents and visitors about NYS Navigation laws and how they apply to Keuka Lake. The KLA strongly supports the key role of sheriffs' marine patrols in providing boater education, emergency response and elimination of unsafe boating practices

Keuka Lake - Starry Night


Founded in 1956, the Keuka Lake Association, with over 1700 members, provides a unified voice for those who love Keuka Lake. Our mission is to preserve and protect Keuka Lake and its natural beauty for future generations.

Keuka Lake Association is a 501(c) (3) organization (a non-profit tax exempt organization under IRS rules). This distinction is defined by our service to the public and how we are mission-driven as opposed to profit-driven.

Gifts, donations and membership dues paid to our organization are used in direct service to the overall mission to preserve and protect Keuka Lake. Membership dues, donations and gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Consult your professional tax preparer if you have specific tax related questions.